
Our Safeguarding Policy can be found here

Bristol Steiner School recognises its legal duty under s.175/157 Education Act 2002 to work with other agencies in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting them from “significant harm”. These duties are defined by:

Bristol Steiner School adheres to the Guidance for Safer Working Practice for those Working with Children and Young People in Education Settings (2019)

Click here to view the full document.

A reliable and up-to-date resources on emotional health for your children –

Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE) 

Stop it now: 

Refuge :The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

Off The Record  

NSPCC - Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help. 0800 1111

NSPCC - If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support. Call us or email 0808 800 5000

If you’re concerned about the well-being of a child contact the First Response Team on 0117 903 6444

When their offices are closed call the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615 165.

If the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Our Safeguarding Lead is Lorraine Swords.

Our Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Erika Taylor.

Our Safeguarding Trustee is Tara Gratton.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the DSL via

"I just wanted to say that out of all the placements I have done as an early childhood student, the safety checks at the Bristol Steiner school have by far surpassed them all. I would definitely feel that if I sent my own child to this school, they would definitely be safe. The DBS checks as well as other training are beyond anything I have experienced yet, I was very impressed."

Eden (Student from University West of England)

E-Safety Guidance

Bristol Steiner School believes it is essential for e-Safety guidance to be given to the pupils on a regular and meaningful basis. Though we do not teach ICT in school this does not restrict us from delivering a comprehensive E-Safety Curriculum to ensure that all our pupils develop a secure understanding of E-Safety. Educating pupils on the dangers of technologies that may be encountered outside school is also done in Religion/ PSHE lessons, Main lessons, NSPCC workshops and Assemblies.

Children must be made aware of the risk associated with IT. The risks associated with use of ICT by children can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Content: exposure to inappropriate images, pornography, information advocating violence, racism or illegal and anti-social behaviour that cannot be evaluated in a critical manner.

  • Contact: chat rooms, social networking sites, adults seeking to gain the trust of young people (“grooming”) with a view to sexually abusing them and risk of cyber-bullying and disclosing personal information (addresses, mobile numbers, photos, etc.)

  • Commerce: vulnerability to unregulated commercial activity, potentially resulting in serious financial consequences for themselves and parents and vulnerability to fraud or identity theft.

  • Culture: involvement in inappropriate, anti-social or illegal activities or exposure to unsuitable materials or inappropriate social networks using information in a way which breaches copyright laws.

Children are ‘digital natives’ – but parents need to protect them on the web.

It’s increasingly difficult to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, especially when you are a parent trying to keep your children safe as they grow up immersed in this digital world. Cybercrime, grooming, sexting, social media — where to start?

Research released for 2017’s Safer Internet Day in the UK revealed that one in five children surveyed had been bullied with online images or videos. Additionally, roughly 70% of kids had seen images and videos “not suitable for their age” while surfing the web.

To help parents feel confident their children are safe and protected when they’re online here’s a practical list of how to keep children safe when online:


Use free filtering technology/safe modes

Most online services these days come with privacy or safe modes built-in, it’s important to switch them on for your child. Filtering tech can block harmful websites, age-restricted games, forums, chatrooms and anything else you choose. Some applications can do everything from create weekly reports for you about browsing to log the keystrokes on a device. The extent of the control needed is up to you but beware – if you come on too strict you will likely be met with rebellion.

Monitor your child’s internet history for every device they use

You don’t have to be the police state in the house, instead, make a point of checking the internet search history at the end of the day to make everything viewed is satisfactory. This is easiest if you create your child a dedicated account on a home computer or device. Note, they may learn how to delete their own records, so like most options you have this is not a full-proof choice.

Only let your child on computers or devices where you can see them

This will largely depend on the age of your child, but for the young ones it is advised to only let them use a computer, smartphone or tablet in a place where it can be monitored by an adult. When used alongside web filtering this can be an effective method of keeping an eye on what is being searched for, viewed or watched on the web.

The internet can be fun, but is not always suitable for kids.

Talk about the internet and be open about what’s out there

On the internet a 50-year-old man can pose as a 15-year-old girl, chatrooms can be used for grooming and personal information is given away at the click of a mouse. Yet it is also a place for discovery, a tool to help with homework and a way to learn more about the world. Parents and children need to communicate and talk about what the internet is, what is isn’t, and how to recognise the more lurid aspects of it.

Know your child is probably smarter than you when it comes to the internet

Parents, when growing up you had VHS, cassette tapes and dial up. In comparison, your kids have Snapchat, Facebook, virtual reality, streaming services and online gaming. They have grown up in a world of touchscreens and data plans, a world where content is free and personal information means little. The world has changed, and you are likely behind the times. Don’t accept it, just be aware of it. The key in all this is not to rely on technology to solve your problems, but use it as a compliment to good old-fashioned education.

See also –